Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Economic Cookie Anecdote‏

You may have heard this little anecdote floating around in light of the attack on worker rights around the Country over the past few weeks:

A union worker, a tea partier and a CEO have 12 cookies. The CEO takes 11, then says to tea partier, "Look out for the union guy, he wants a piece of your cookie."

Well, here is my expanded rendition:

The taxpayers bake 20 cookies, the CEO claims to have baked at least half the cookies, (but in reality only he only baked 2 or 3).  A military general and security contractor step up and take 13 cookies (64% of the U.S. discretionary budget), and the CEO says that the economy will tank unless he gets at least five of the remaining cookies. A teacher, nurse, police officer, fire fighter, park ranger, food inspector, infrastructure contractor, social services worker and a myriad of other people who work to keep America running are left to split the last two cookies.  The news media then gets the Tea Partier all fired up by claiming the last two taxpayer cookies were wasted, the workers have ruined it for everybody, and that at least one and a half cookies should go back to the taxpayer so they only need to bake 18.5 cookies next year.

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